The curriculum is the totality of experiences which are planned for children through their education.

The four contexts for learning are;
• Ethos and life of the school as a community
• Curriculum areas and subjects
• Interdisciplinary learning
• Opportunities for personal achievement

The purpose of the curriculum is to help children become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors (the four capacities). The framework therefore puts the learner at the centre of the curriculum.

The planning should demonstrate the principles for curriculum design:
• challenge and enjoyment
• breadth
• progression
• depth
• personalisation and choice
• coherence
• relevance
(Scottish Government 2003, Curriculum for Excellence, Building the Curriculum 3, a framework for learning and teaching).

At Barcaldine Primary School the staff and pupils consult on different aspects of our curriculum, and share this with parents for further input. We are just in the early stages of producing a curriculum design and as you come into the school you will see a giant collage tree on the wall with various ‘leaflets’ of information hanging on it. Please feel free to read these and give us feedback. Each ‘leaflet’ has information on;
• What we do
• Examples
• Why we do it and what’s the impact
• What’s our next steps

This is a dynamic curriculum and will constantly be adapted, updated and improved with particular areas taking priority at certain times.
The information from the ‘leaflets’ will also be published on this section of the website.